BBSing with Vice on Linux

Calling BBSes at 2400 baud with Vice on Linux / Rasp Pi is possible, though no good instructions around on how to do it with ease. I spent a good chunk of my day figuring out how to install it on my Raspberry Pi. Thanks to Jasmaz and ShadowM for putting in the time to help me out with this. And VidKid who has hacked the ACIA routines from 1.19 (read his blog here for his method!)

This method is good for calling bbs systems, but not hosting a bbs. Vidkid’s hack has this figured out. The max baud rate for now is 2400.

This pertains to installations of Vice 2.4 with the SDL Library.

sudo apt-get install tcpser
sudo apt-get install netcat

Make sure netcat and tcpser are both on your linux/pi.

from the command line via ssh or standalone run netcat and tcpser

(I’m not sure if this init of netcat is needed but i do it anyway)

netcat 25232
(some systems need nc 25232 instead)

tcpser -v 25232 -p 6400 -s 2400

Add the &x64 if you aren’t running tcpser via ssh

In Vice, go to F12 -> Machine Settings -> RS232 Settings
Disable Acia interface emulation

Enable Userport RS232 Emulation
Host Device 4
Baud Rate 2400

Device 4 will have the pound symbol followed by a few characters. KEEP the pound symbol but erase everything else!!! After the pound symbol add the following
nc 25232

No spaces between the pound symbol and ‘nc’

All 4 device baud rates below to 2400

That’s it, go back to terminal, makesure your term program is using a standard hayes/user port setup (In Striketerm it’s the User Port modem), 2400 baud, type AT in terminal and you should get an ok!


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